Wednesday, January 28, 2015

To Swear or Not To Swear

"In a business meeting that you might have in the South or in the Midwest there in Iowa, you would not have people who would just throw the 'f bomb' and use gratuitous profanity in a professional setting," he explained. "In New York, not only do the men do it, but the women do it! And you just are looking around, saying, 'My gosh, this is worse than lockerroom talk.'"
"This would be considered totally inappropriate to say these things in front of a woman," he added. "And for a woman to say them in a professional setting, we would only assume that this is a very - as we would say in the South, that's just trashy."
So sayeth Mike Huckabee on a radio show.
Quite frankly, although I would not vote for him, nor do I think I will have to, I think he is right.  I am not moralizing here; I can make a sailor blush on occasion.  But I don't like it when those words come out of my mouth, even when I am just with a close friend.   So I try not to.  I do think it is demeaning and not at all lady like.  It is also laziness.
Surely I can come  up with something more creative.  Like the names of German cities.   What in the Frankenau is that?  Darmstadt, he took the last of the haggis.  That Butzow Budingen is such a gossip, bless her heart.  Bonus: I can say them with the proper accent!
It's just trashy

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Saturday Night

A little Jack Vettriano

Friday, January 16, 2015

A song in my head

This song has been circulating inside my head for days.  Lovely
The Bachelors

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Oh Those Wacky Guys at the NYT

Sometimes a mistake is so embarrassing, it cycles all the away around the shame circle and becomes kind of awesome.  
Those bastions of printing the truth Accidentally created a new country.

And then came this:

It is certainly giving me giggles this morning!

My holiday home in Kyrzbekistan

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Recipe of the year

Last night I made Bobotie. There are so many different recipes out there I just created my own from several, using my preferred choice of ingredients. All except the lamb. Could not find minced lamb, let alone any lamb at my grocers. They usually have it.  Next time I am sure. But then I have never tasted bobotie or even heard of it until a week ago so I have no idea how it is supposed to taste. It does smell good. Just another 10 minutes.....
And I had a bit for lunch today as well... even better
I must say that the custard topping and the soaked bread really gave this dish a WOW.
This is the recipe I chose.  I eliminated the sugar and cinnamon, used apple not carrot, have no idea what their herb and garlic seasoning is so I just added garlic with the onion.  Because I couldn't find lamb I used beef and pork.
Oh and I added a spoonful of apricot jam.

Saturday, January 3, 2015

December 31,1912

A look back at December 31, 1912, and the century following, gives me a hopeful future as we live in our own turbulent times.  Thanks to the incredible insight of Daniel Greenfield.
 As the year sweeps across the earth, let us remember that history is more than the worst of its events, that all times bear the burden of their uncertainties, but also carry within them the seeds of greatness. Looking back on this time, it may be that it is not the defeats that we will recall, but how they readied us for the fight ahead. 2012 may be as forgotten as 1912, but 2018 and 2022 may endure in history. 
America has not fallen, no more than it did when the clock struck midnight on December 31, 1912. Though it may not seem likely now, there are many great things ahead, and though the challenges at times seem insurmountable and the defeats many, another year and another century await us.
Read it all here at: Sultan Knish
But then turbulent times are pretty much the norm throughout history.  I remember when I read the Bible all the way through (as reading a novel, not for my daily meditations) I was struck by how much man had not changed even as we delude ourselves that we were and are advancing into a more civilised existence.
Yes some cultures are more civilised than others now, but then wasn't that always so, at least to the degree of our knowledge?

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Happy New Year!

Wishing everyone many blessings for a grand 2015!  At least as grand as the Spurs beating Chelsea 5-3!