Tuesday, October 13, 2009

a repeat of a may 20 post. about the nhs

we really do not want any version of a national health service

and this is what our country wants ... please do not copy this conversation. it is mine alone

he was murdered courtesy of the NHS
he had cancer. he was 82... we said ok deal with it,, Surgeon said no we can cure him. its small
he went for it.. did really well in IC
sent him to general ward....... and fuckin neglected him
he needed help in and out of bed,, they hid the buzzer
he had bowl cancer....
he was 'nil by mouth',, they accidentally fed him
so when his bowels moved, he had no control
when they got to him 4 hours later
they put him in a bath..... hosed him in cold water......
left him while they went to look for a towel
these bastards should not be working in McDonalds let alone a hospital
i had been there 3 fuckin hours earlier. and trusted they bastards
he was drowning....... screaming for help. they told him to shut the fuck up and laid him flat
closed the door on him!!!
only that a nurse checked him and realised. i will never forget the screams
he was drowning........ coming up for breath
they drained his lungs.. attached him to a fuckin ventilator
only good thing was he died.. lookin peacefull but i know he wasnt
he lived for 14 days
fuckin cunts would not let us stay with him.... phoned us at 3 fuckin am... we just made it. but he was unconscious

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